Since 2015, I have been wanting to create a short film. Before I entered the journey of Prodigy, I worked on a few projects that were put on the back burner. I took some time to think and said to myself, “superheroes are awesome, why not write a film about that?” So I decided right then and there I would write and finish my first film.

I researched the public domain superhero archives and after days of searching, I came across Captain Prodigy. Evelyn Ramirez, known to her friends as “Evie,” is an optimistic girl who is always looking for the next adventure. She stumbles upon the greatest discovery and a stranger that would forever change her life. Her destiny is about to change.
Enjoy the images of a few of our filming shoots and rehearsals. Sign up now for our updates on our exciting new releases of Captain Prodigy and the Whitemane Chronicles.

Caleb Angelino (cinematographer)

Daniel Lorenzo (assistant director)

Nikki Anderson(left) Kayla Baldwin(middle) Evelyn Ramirez(right)

Woot woot

Alivia Orama as young Evelyn Ramirez

Evelyn Ramirez and young Lucas Ramirez

Micah Angelino as Leomaris Fleetwood

Nikki Anderson(left) Taylor Sharp(middle) Evelyn Ramirez(right)

Evelyn Ramirez and Leomaris Fleetwood

Thank you so much Avonlea Angelino for taking such amazing pictures!